7 Yoga House (7YGH) is a passion project. We’re always looking for contributors to share their knowledge and experience. If you’re interested, e-mail angelika@7ygh.com
7 Surprising Facts About Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is the classical text used to define yoga and its practices, especially in the context of teacher trainings today. But how much do we really know about this ancient scripture? Find out!
Great Vows of Yoga: Yamas & Niyamas Explained (Part 2)
Explore the foundation of yogic ethics: asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (impulse control), and aparigraha (non-grasping). Use this guide to help you discover your own definitions of these values so that you can live a life aligned with your personal dharma.
Great Vows of Yoga: Yamas & Niyamas Explained (Part 1)
Explore the foundation of yogic ethics: ahimsa (non-violence) and satya (truthfulness). Use this guide to help you discover your own definitions of these values so that you can live a life aligned with your personal dharma.
7 Mantras for Meditation: What They Mean and How to Use Them
These 7 beginner-friendly mantras are perfect for keeping the mind centered and focused during meditation. Discover what these mantras mean and how to incorporate them into your practice today.
7 Meditation Mudras: Guide to Hand Gestures for Focus, Clarity, Energy
Yogis have used hand gestures for thousands of years to concentrate the mind, generate energy, and find clarity. Use these 7 hasta mudras (hand gestures) to elevate your meditation practice, boost daily productivity, and find the answers to questions that keep you up at night.
Lentil-Stuffed Sweet Potato Boats
Ground yourself with a ghee-licious sweet potato stuffed with lentils and topped with cilantro. The satisfying sweet taste of this plant-based recipe offers lots of protein, fiber, and antioxidants, making it an ideal main for a home-cooked fall dinner.
Asana of the Month: Low Crescent Lunge
Practice this asana to open the hips, strengthen the back, and develop a steady mind. Friendly for all levels and with variations that will challenge even the most experienced of practitioners, Low Crescent Lunge is a yogi-favorite for any sequence that flows.
Full Moon Rituals for Emotional Processing
Explore three exercises for working with the somatic and mental processing of your emotions. Use these as journal prompts, during a full moon ritual, or in the midst of daily life to decondition and reprogram your mind.
Yogi Sandwich with Roasted Red Bell Pepper & Hummus
This sandwich is perfect as a midday lunch. Bell peppers roasted in olive oil intensify the flavors, satiating hummus keeps you feeling full longer, and almonds and cucumber add a satisfying crunch.
Asana of the Month: Revolved Triangle
Practice this asana to develop balance, strengthen and stretch the legs, improve breathing, open up the heart, ground yourself, and cultivate the concentration necessary for deep meditation.
Yogi Stew: Summer Cleanse Kitchari with Quinoa
This kitchari recipe is perfect for cleansing during the summer months. Kitchari is a staple of Ayurvedic eating, a complete meal with all of the nutrients you need to fuel your day, a satiating taste, and many benefits for inflammation, digestion, and gut health.
Yogi Cookie Dough: Pistachio-Date Halva
Enjoy this sugar-free halva straight out of a jar as a nutrient-dense Yogi-approved cookie dough alternative. Or serve it in small squares as a deeply-satisfying dessert or midday snack, with or without tea to boost digestion!
Yogi Hummus: 6-Taste Roasted Sweet Potato Chickpea Spread with Asafetida and Ghee
This delectable homemade hummus has a 6-taste profile that leaves you nourished and satiated. It’s rich in vitamins, high in fiber, nutrient-dense, and makes an ideal midday power snack.
Yogi Energy Balls: Sugar-Free Cardamom Nut-Date Laddus
These yogi energy power balls are the perfect prana-rich treat. Sugar-free, vegan, and packed with minerals, nutrients, and protein, these laddus have a natural (and guilt-free) sweet taste that pacifies and balances both Pitta and Vata doshas.